I also learned a lesson. I don't think I will post my submission to a carnival in the morning again, as it seems while I wrote it, and posted it, I neglected to go to the submission page, and submit it. I checked my mail archives for the automatic email receipt one gets when submitting an entry, and realized I don't have one for this carnival, meaning it was most definitely my error.
The topic for Carnival 41 (deadline Feb 1) sounds fun.
If you could have dinner with four of your ancestors who would they be and why? Here's a chance to exercise your imagination... Would you have dinner in the present day or in one of their eras? Would you dine out or opt for a home cooked meal? What would you discuss at the dinner table? What would you most like to share with them about your life?Limiting it to four might be difficult. I may have to schedule two dinner parties.
I've done that a time or two myself.