
Thursday, April 17, 2008

National Poetry Month

As others have pointed out, April is National Poetry Month. I haven't done much to celebrate it here. I've posted a lot of poetry here in the past. And I've been posting a poem on my personal blog every day so far this month.

Here's how I started the month:

Line-Up for Yesterday:An ABC of Baseball Immortals
by Ogden Nash

A is for Alex
The great Alexander;
More Goose eggs he pitched
Than a popular gander.

B is for Bresnahan
Back of the plate;
The Cubs were his love,
and McGraw his hate.

C is for Cobb,
Who grew spikes and not corn,
And made all the basemen
Wish they weren’t born.

D is for Dean,
The grammatical Diz,
When they asked, Who’s the tops?
Said correctly, I is.

Rest of poem

And here's an audio recording of Walt Whitman reading his poetry with a slideshow of photos of Whitman.

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