
Friday, August 8, 2008

False Start

The opening ceremonies of the GeneaBloggers Games were five hours ago at 3 pm Pacific. It was a beautiful ceremony, with a lot of well-designed flags, and music. Luckily, you can still view it yourself by just following the link.

I was supposed to wait until tomorrow to start competing. But unfortunately, the spirit of the games grabbed a hold of me, and I have suffered a bit of a false start. I transcribed six letters tonight. My transcription project is outside of the official competitions, so I am hopeful no one gets upset. All six letters had been scanned back in March.

On April 4th, 1926, my great-grandfather Melvin Van Every, living in Garfield, N.M., wrote to his daughter, Myrtle, my grandmother:
Our radio is fine. We got St. Louis one night but there are so many stronger broadcasting stations that some stations are hard to get. We can't get El Paso. We tried to get the Easter sunrise service at 6:00 this morning at El Paso but could not. We got the sunrise service at Los Angeles. It was fine.

I believe I told you Josie is boarding two school teachers. Gets $60 dollars a month for the two. What are you looking for a new boarding place for? You said you had a good place. Our apples have just begun blooming. I will send you a bloom.
Attached to the letter is an 82 year-old flower blossom labeled "White Pear Red and White Apple." It's not the only dried flower that has been preserved with these letters.

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