You're the top, You're an Arrow collar.
You're the top, You're a Coolidge dollar.
You're the nimble tread of the feet of Fred Astaire.
You're an O'Neill drama, You're Whistler's mama, You're Camembert.
You're a rose; You're Inferno's Dante,
You're the nose of the great Durante.
I'm just in the way, as the French would say 'de trop'
But if, baby, I'm the bottom,
You're the top.
You're the top, You're a Coolidge dollar.
You're the nimble tread of the feet of Fred Astaire.
You're an O'Neill drama, You're Whistler's mama, You're Camembert.
You're a rose; You're Inferno's Dante,
You're the nose of the great Durante.
I'm just in the way, as the French would say 'de trop'
But if, baby, I'm the bottom,
You're the top.
The Genealogy page at All Top aggregates a list of genealogy blog feeds. In their FAQ they say they "import the stories of the top news websites and blogs for any given topic."
What is Alltop's mission?
We help you explore your passions by collecting stories about “all the topics” on the web. We’ve grouped these collections — “aggregations” — into individual Alltop sites based on topics such as environment, photography, science, Muslim, celebrity gossip, military, fashion, gaming, sports, politics, automobiles, and Macintosh. At each Alltop site, we display the headlines of the latest stories from dozens of sites and blogs.When other genealogy blogs I read announced earlier in the week they were on the list, I immediately searched the list for blogs I knew, and I agreed with all their choices. I received an email from AllTop this morning telling me that TransylvanianDutch had been added to their list of Genealogy sites.
I wasn't sure whether to be honored, or start worrying about their judgment. There is definitely a contrarian Groucho Marx quotation that comes to mind. However, I will choose to be honored.
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