
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Honoring Family Veterans

Below are names of ancestors, and their siblings, who I know served in the armed forces of their nation. I am including my Loyalist ancestors; their nation was Great Britain. The United States didn't exist yet. I am including my Confederate ancestors too, despite their desire to form a separate nation. I would include Revolutionary ancestors if I found some. I also include my great uncle, Mandell Newmark, who was killed in action, as today is also Remembrance Day in the United Kingdom and a few other nations.

Fifth Great Grandfathers
McGregory Van Every (1723-1786) Loyalist/Butler's Rangers
Michael Showers (1733-1796) Loyalist/Butler's Rangers

Fourth Great Grandfather
David Van Every (1757-1820) Loyalist/Butler's Rangers

Fifth Great Uncle
Benjamin Van Every (1759 - 1795) Loyalist/Butler's Rangers

Second Great Grandfather
Ebenezer Denyer (1828-1872) (Confederate Army)

Third Great Uncles
Samuel T Hartley (1830-1920) (Confederate Army)

Great Grandfather

Samuel Deutsch (1861-1938) (Franz Josef's Austro-Hungarian Army)

Melvin L Newmark (1912-1992), WWII
Martin J Deutsch (1907-1991), WWII

Great Uncles
Jerry Deutsch (1909-1950), WWII
Allen Deutsch (1914-1988), WWII
Harold Newmark (1915-2003), WWII
Mandell Newmark (1923-1945), WWII
Bernard Feinstin (1913-1968), WWII
Seymour Feinstein (1917-1999), WWII

Stevan J Newmark (1942-1997) Army Reserves


  1. It would seem that we are cousins as Michael Showers is also my 5th Great Grandfather. I descend through his daughter, Magdelene married to Charles Depew.

  2. Contact me through the contact information on my sidebar and we can exchange information we have on the Showers line.


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