
Monday, January 4, 2010

87th Carnival of Genealogy has been posted

The 87th Carnival of Genealogy has been posted at CreativeGene with 65 submissions of New Year plans and resolutions. Jasia has also announced several changes to the structure of the carnival. I agree with her that the changes aren't major, and should actually improve the quality of the carnival.
The topic for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is: Volunteerism! Here's a chance to toot your horn about whatever genealogy projects, organizations, or events you voluntarily give your time and efforts to. What do you get out of volunteering? How did you decide what to volunteer for? How much time each month do you spend volunteering for genealogy projects/organizations/events? Is there an organization or project you'd like to recommend to others? Tell us all about it! The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2010.
Visit CreativeGene for more information.

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