
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Google Maps of my Ancestors

Category 4 of the Winter 2010 Geneabloggers Games is "Expand Your Knowledge"

Task A is: Use Google Maps to map out an ancestral location. Create a map that you can then embed into a blog post.

Below is a map of St. Louis addresses for my maternal grandmother, Myrtle (Van Every) Deutsch. She moved to St. Louis in 1920, and except for a brief period in 1945 when she moved to West Palm Beach, FL, she was in St. Louis for the rest of her life. Before her marriage, she moved around a lot. [Click on the '-' button to 'Zoom out' and see all the addresses, or click on " a larger map".]

View St. Louis Residences of Myrtle Van Every Deutsch in a larger map

This entry serves as my status update, as it is the only thing I've done today for the competition.

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