
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekly Genealogy Picks

Weekly Genealogy Picks -- February 21 to February 27
from genealogy blogs, newspaper articles and elsewhere
  • Luckie Daniels at Our Georgia Roots, while looking at the list of search terms that have led people to her site, wonders who was searching for information on her father. I too have seen searches that led me to wonder why that person didn't contact me.
  • Megan Smolenyak2 is closing RootsTelevision on March 10th, saying she has been filling a void since 2006, but genealogy is going mainstream with Faces of America and Who Do You Think You Are hitting US soil. She doesn't mention what will happen to the archives; hopefully they will be maintained.
  • Check out the closing ceremonies of the Geneablogger Games -- see what medals all the teams won!
  • I don't normally mention a blog post here that I have already mentioned during the week. But take a look at the 40 Best Genealogy Blogs at Family Tree Magazine. We didn't win, but we were nominated in the highly competitive "All-Around" category. I look at the four winners in that category, and I can come up with no arguments. If they do this again, I hope I get nominated in the "Personal and Family" category. I stand a chance there.
Local St. Louis News
  • City of St. Louis Mayor Slay is recommending reconciliation from The Great Divorce of 1876 - reuniting City and County. I fear this would confuse future generations of genealogists even more. But I don't believe he's thinking about that; and perhaps he shouldn't.
  • The historic steamboat, The Becky Thatcher, which was moored on the riverfront in the 1960s and 1970s, sinks outside Pittsburgh.
  • Little Brownie Bakers has recalled several batches of Lemon Chalet Cremes. I know the St. Louis area Girl Scouts use Little Brownie Bakers, as I just received a box of Thin Mints this weekend. Not all batches of this cookie are being recalled - Little Brownie Bakers says they will be contacting the councils that are impacted. They also say the cookies won't hurt you - they just taste horrible. (Those of us who don't like lemon cookies could have told you that. But I think this goes beyond personal taste preferences.)
Tribal Links
  • Reform Judaism, with respect to Valentine's Day, asks the question "What is the need to submit to a holiday named for a saint if there is a Jewish holiday that fills a similar purpose?" and gives us five months advance warning about Tu b'Av.

1 comment:

  1. John, I believe that the fact your blog was nominated and competed in the "All-Around" category (aka GeneaBlogging Giants category) indicates the tremendous esteem in which your blog is held in the GeneaBlogging community. It is a highly informative and entertaining combination of personal genealogy with coverage of genealogy issues and news.


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