
Monday, July 12, 2010

Amanuensis Monday: On Vacation

Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

I am in the midst of family reunion festivities.  I am taking a vacation from my project to transcribe family letters, journals, audiotapes, and other historical artifacts.  I know I said this last week, and a few hours later posted a transcription.  I don't expect this to happen this week.


  1. I skipped nearly a month in posting to Amanuensis Monday. But I think it is a great idea and have posted this morning at Genealogy Traces. I love your blog.

  2. Hallo John,
    Sorry to see you are not adding a transcription today, but I love the idea and your theme is going to get me properly organised with my own transcriptions!!

    I have just added my first Amanuensis Monday post to my blog So That's Where I Get It From, and hopefully now it will be the first of many transcriptions.

    Thanks for the idea and for your interesting posts.

    Kind regards,

    Christine (rootsresearcher)

  3. Thanks, Judith and Christine, for the compliments. The growing popularity of the meme pleases me, as I know so many people have such documents, that if they aren't transcribed, they could be lost.

    In the year and a half I've been doing this, it's only the second week I've taken a vacation. So I don't feel too guilty.


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