
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Weekly Genealogy Picks

Weekly Genealogy Picks --August 15 to August 21
from genealogy blogs, newspaper articles and elsewhere

Cynthia at ChicagoGenealogy shows how to use birth registers to find birth certificates that aren't appearing in the results for searches at FamilySearch.  She has a similar post for the Chicago Death Records.  Just because you can't find something in a database, doesn't mean it isn't there.  Sometimes the handwriting on documents is poor, making the job of the indexer quite difficult, and that of the researcher even more so.

NARAtions (the National Archives blog) illustrates how you can distinguish US Citizens on passenger manifests.

Tamura Jones at Modern Software Experience presents two different definitions of genealogy in conflict with each other - the legal and the biological.  He expands upon this in A Framework for Classical Genealogy.

James Tanner at Genealogy's Star discusses What You May or May Not Find in Court Documents for Genealogy.

Donna Pointkouski at What's Past is Prologue reminds us in her post about A Killer Chair that family photographs often contain more than just the people.

J.M. of Tracing My Roots has found a number-code in some letters from the 1920s-1940s she has been unable to decipher.

Gena Philibert Ortega at the World Vital Records blog describes 5 ways to document a death.

According to The Korea Times there's a new Korean genealogy database.  (Hat/Tip: GenealogyBlog)

The Daily Digi shares some resources on family history scrapbooking

Several bloggers are at the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference in Knoxville, TN and have been blogging about it.  Geneabloggers has a list.

The Jewish Museum of Maryland shares a fun video on why they love the archives - along with the inspiration leading up to the video, including an advertisement for the Discovery Channel that went viral, and an XKCD comic.

Blogging/Social Networking

Thomas MacEntee at Geneabloggers reminds us why we need a blogging disclosure statement.

Julie Cahill Tarr at GenBlog shows how to create a table of contents for your blog

Users of Facebook may be interested in reading the ACLU's guide to protecting your privacy with respect to Facebook's new Places feature. 

Other Weekly Lists
The genealogy bloggers below provide their selections for the week - many different from my own.
Amanuensis Monday: August 16th participants
[Amanuensis Monday is a weekly blogging theme I began in February of 2009, where participants transcribe letters, audio, and other documents.  Why I do this.]

Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings
Anonymous at Nolichucky Roots
Heather Wilkinson Rojo at Nutfield Genealogy
Lisa Wallen Logsdon at Old Stones Undeciphered
Martin Hollick at The Slovak Yankee
RootsResearcher at So That's Where I Get it From
Deborah Andrew at The Sum of All My Research
J.M. at Tracing my Roots 
John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch
Kevin Walker at Who We Were, Are & Will Be Our Family

If you participated, but don't appear on this list, please, let me know.


  1. Thanks for including my posts about the number code in your round-up this week. Perhaps someone who will read it through your post will have a hint for me.

    Just one comment, could we make it 'she' has been unable to decipher ;)

  2. Yes, we can! (Sorry about that.)

  3. Thanks for listing my post about William Wayt's will. I really enjoy reading your weekly picks.


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