
Friday, October 22, 2010

Daily Picks - via Google Buzz/Reader

I've taken a break from my weekly genealogy picks, and it appears Greta Koehl at Greta's Genealogy Bog is taking a similar break. There are still other bloggers weekly, or semi-weekly, posting their lists, such as Randy Seaver, Diane Haddad, and Megan Smolenyak^2. However, I thought I'd also mention a few geneabloggers who are sharing daily picks.  That's right - Daily Picks.  However, they aren't doing it on their blogs, so you might not know about it. They're doing it through Google Buzz and Google Reader
All three of the above share their choices publicly so you can follow the links above to their Google Profiles, and scroll down to see their recent selections.

There is a link on profile pages to click if you want to follow someone. If you follow someone, and use Google's Gmail, their shared posts will appear in your Google Buzz folder. If you use Google Reader, their shared posts will appear in your "People You Follow" folder.

Some people (like myself) share their choices privately to only those individuals who are following them. So while their profile page may appear blank, it will suddenly be populated if you choose to follow them.  (You have to be signed into your Google account for this to happen.)

My Google Profile 

Warning: While I am sharing genealogically related items this way, I also share links pertaining to other interests, including politics, religion, poetry, and science fiction. (Which is partially why I do keep my 'buzz' private.)


  1. John, I didn't know Greta wasn't doing her list. But she did have a rather long one for today.

  2. She did have a long list for Follow Friday, but at the end she said it would be her last for awhile.


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