
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week in Review

Below are some noteworthy news stories and blog posts I have read in the past week that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.

Genealogy Research
  • Michael John Neill at RootDig discusses Percents and Genealogy, and how overall statistics are irrelevant when dealing with specific cases. Agreed. I could probably find some statistic saying that 90%, or higher, of Ashkenazic Jewish families didn't name a child after a living relative between Year X and Year Y. But that doesn't mean Sol X's grandfather, Sol, had to be dead when Sol was born. There are always exceptions.
  • Thanks to footnoteMaven's post, I discovered the DearPhotograph tumblr site this week. Open to submissions, the idea of the site is to take old photographs to their original location, and take a photograph of the photograph, held up so that the old background merges with the new background, and then to write a brief letter to the photograph.  Visit the site to understand what I am saying. 
Technology / Social Networking
    •  As Google+ catches on, some are looking at it as a possible blogging tool.  Digg founder, Kevin Rose, has forwarded his personal domain to his Goggle+ page. If you aren't on Google+ yet, you can view his posts, and all the comments, but can't participate.  Science Fiction editor, Patrick Nielsen Hayden has a few issues with using it as a blog replacment.  And if your blog readers aren't among the early adopters, they're not going to be happy about not being able to comment.
    A few Google+ pages for those who want to see what's going on:
      Animals have genealogy, too!
      Other Weekly Link Lists

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