
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week In Review

Below are some noteworthy news stories and blog posts I have read in the past week that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.
  •  GenealogyBlog discusses September 11, 1857 and the Utah Mountain Meadows Massacre. "For many Church members, the Mountain Meadows Massacre is especially poignant since some of its participants, along with so many of the early Utah Mormons, had suffered similar pains and loss at the hands of mobs and militia not very many years before." If anyone wonders what those 'similar pains' were - I suspect it's at least a partial reference to the Missouri-Morman War of the 1830s which you can read more about at Missouri Digital Heritage.
  •  GenealogyBank announced that they added 134 million newspaper articles this month, and its newspaper collection now contains over 1 billion records. (And this doesn't include their great collection of obituaries.)
  • Back issues of Ancestry Magazine (1994-2010) can be found on Google Books. (hat/tip: GenBlog) [Note: Prior to 1994, the magazine was called Ancestry Newsletter, and these issues don't appear available.]
Copyright and the Law
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Social Networking
  • I am personally drooling over the SanDisk Memory Vault discussed at PetaPixel. That is, if the claim is true that the backup drive really does have a 'proven ability' to "preserve data uncorrupted" for 100 years.  Of course, knowing how difficult it is to find a computer today with a 5.25 floppy drive, preserving the data isn't everything.

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