
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week in Review

This is being posted early this week, since I will be at a non-Genealogy Convention Friday morning through Sunday. 

Below are some highlights from news stories and blog posts I have read in the past week that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.
  • George Geder at Geder Genealogy considers the news story of Larrie Butler in South Carolina.  South Carolina isn't accepting the man's appearance in the1930 census as proof of his date of birth, because the census taker spelled his name wrong.  (Mr. Butler has provided the state with his college records, high school records, medical records, and military records.  They demanded his elementary school records, and those no longer exist. Hence his attempt to use the census.)
  • Amy Coffin at We Tree Genealogy responds to Reasons not to Attend RootsTech 2012.  As a technogeeky genealogist, RootsTech does sound made for me.  However, 2012 is going to be a busy year for me, as I am getting married, and already have some extensive travel planned for the summer. Maybe a future year. 
  • Tamura Jones at Modern Software Experience discusses the development of Ancestry's App for Android, explaining how users of devices with Android operating systems can get on a list for the Beta version.  I have an iPod Touch, and have been playing with the Apple OS version for awhile.  I definitely like it.
    • This image has been making the rounds on the internet

    The Planetary Society weighs the implications of whether there is anybody who isn't 15-years-gone who could have been used in place of the guy on the left. (I knew who he was, but mostly because the background helped. I've heard of her, but have never watched her show, or seen her picture anywhere else. I declare myself not-to-blame.)
    • Thomas MacEntee at Geneabloggers is taking a rare vacation, so I will attempt to put together a list of those who participate in the Amanuensis Monday project.  I'll include it in next weekend's "Week in Review" like I did before Geneabloggers started tracking the daily blogging prompts.
    Happy New Year! (The year 5772 began last night at sundown on the Hebrew calendar.)

    Other Weekly Link Lists
    Many of those who usually appear below post on Friday.  However, Randy usually does an excellent job of listing other lists.

    1 comment:

    1. Thanks for the mention! Get out that coin jar and start saving for a future RootsTech! :)


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