
Monday, May 14, 2012

Amanuensis Monday: Incorporation of Famous Laundry Company by Selig Feinstein

Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

I continue my project to transcribe family letters, journals, newspaper articles, audiotapes, and other historical artifacts. Not only do the documents contain genealogical information, the words breathe life into kin - some I never met - others I see a time in their life before I knew them.

I began this project three years ago, back on February 16, 2009.  Since I began, many others have joined in on the meme. I am thrilled that this meme I started has inspired so many to transcribe their family history documents. Why do we transcribe? I provide my three reasons in the linked post. You may find others.

This week I transcribe a series of news briefs that appeared in an issue of the journal, Iron Age, in 1912. My second great grandfather is mentioned in one, which I have emphasized. I discuss where and how I found this journal article in the notes.

The Iron Age - October 10, 1912 - Vol 90, No. 15 - p. 884 

St. Louis, Mo., October 7, 1912.

Business in the machine tool market in the week has been of satisfactory character, the demand being general as to type of machines wanted and as to the territory from which they came. While no large lists were reported, the volume of business done was excellent in the aggregate. None of the large lists which have been previously reported have been awarded, but that of the Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel
Engine Company may be expected at any time. Second-hand machinery is in fair request. Collections are good.

The Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association has begun the construction of a new power plant, a permit having been taken out for a building to cost $28,000 exclusive of equipment. It is to be supplementary to the large main plant.

Fire in the power plant of the American Pressed Brick Company, St. Louis, October 2, caused $15,000 damage. The damaged equipment will be replaced.

The S. Pfeiffer Mfg. Company, St. Louis, manufacturing chemist, has begun the construction of a new plant which will double its present mechanical capacity. Elevators, steam-heating plant, smokeless furnace and other equipment will be required in addition to special machinery.

The St. Louis Motor Transportation Company, with $25,000 capital stock, has been organized at St. Louis, by W. R. and Frank Bush, Knox Taussig, William A. Thomas and Richard S. Locke for the maintenance of a repair shop, which is to be equipped at once, and also to equip hauling devices.

The Charles Valier Company, St. Louis, is completing a grain elevator of 200,000 bushels capacity, which will involve an investment of $250,000 in equipment and building.

The Piasa Light & Power Company, Alton, Ill., which recently obtained a public servi e franchise, will begin work shortly, under the direction of John J. Cummings of Chicago, on the erection of a power house to cost, with its equipment, about $90,000.

The Metal Novelty Company, St. Louis, has been incorporated with $30,000 capital stock, to manufacture metal novelties, tools, and to do a general machine shop business, by W. F. Sweet, H. C. Beckwith and W. F. Donnell, the latter of Hematite, Mo.

The Famous Laundry Company, St. Louis, with $16,000 capital, has been incorporated by Selig Feinstein and others and will equip a plant at once.

The Great Western Cleaner Company, St. Louis, has increased its capital stock from $25,000 to $35,000 for the purpose of increasing its mechanical equipment.


1) I knew from the St. Louis City Directories that my second great grandfather, Selig Feinstein, had opened Famous Laundry by 1914. I also knew that in 1912 he was managing Central Laundry.  This article dates the incorporation of the former and provides a dollar figure as to the capital.

2) A search in Google Books for "Selig Feinstein" will not list this entry in the results.  I had to search for "Selig Fein-stein". It's important to remember when searching archival databases which use Optical Character Recognition that many newspapers, journals, and books break up polysyllabic words with the hyphen.

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