
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekly Genealogy Picks

It's been awhile, but I've decided to restart my weekly lists of links, so:

Below are some highlights from news stories and blog posts I have read in the past few weeks that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.

On Libraries and Archives
Information/Tips for Genealogists
For fans of Tolkein
Heartwarming story of the week
Other Weekly Lists

Julie Cahill Tarr's Friday Finds at GenBlog

Below is a list of upcoming holidays - religious and secular, national and international - for the next two weeks

Two Week Calendar
Sept 16 - International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Sept 16 - Rosh HaShana (Jewish New Year) - Sept 16 (sunset) to Sept 18 (sunset)
Sept 19 - International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Sept 21 - International Day of Peace
Sept 22 - Mabon (NeoPagan celebration of the Autumnal Equinox)
Sept 22 - Hobbit Day
Sept 23 - Holocaust Memorial Day (Lithuania)
Sept 25 - Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) - Sept 25 (sunset) to Sept 26 (sunset)
Sept 26 - European Day of Languages
Sept 30 - International Translation Day

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including the copyright post -- and for all those other great finds!


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