
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Finding Your Roots: Jewish DNA

In Ashkenazi Jewish DNA and the Potential to Piece Together Shattered Family Branches Cece Moore, the Genetic Genealogy consultant for the television series, Finding Your Roots, discusses the DNA results they left out of the episode on Dershowitz, King and Kushner.
The episode that aired last week with Carole King, Alan Dershowitz and Tony Kushner did not include any DNA research, but that doesn’t mean that I hesitated to delve into their genetic genealogy. In fact, a short segment featuring Alan is included in the special DNA-themed last episode scheduled to air on November 25.
The article shares the results for all three, and further discusses the difficulties in using Jewish DNA to find cousins. However, Moore indicates she was able to use the results to find cousins for at least two of the three. She also shares a heartwarming story of a family reunification.

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