
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week in Review

This is being posted early this week, since I will be at a non-Genealogy Convention Friday morning through Sunday. 

Below are some highlights from news stories and blog posts I have read in the past week that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.
  • George Geder at Geder Genealogy considers the news story of Larrie Butler in South Carolina.  South Carolina isn't accepting the man's appearance in the1930 census as proof of his date of birth, because the census taker spelled his name wrong.  (Mr. Butler has provided the state with his college records, high school records, medical records, and military records.  They demanded his elementary school records, and those no longer exist. Hence his attempt to use the census.)
  • Amy Coffin at We Tree Genealogy responds to Reasons not to Attend RootsTech 2012.  As a technogeeky genealogist, RootsTech does sound made for me.  However, 2012 is going to be a busy year for me, as I am getting married, and already have some extensive travel planned for the summer. Maybe a future year. 
  • Tamura Jones at Modern Software Experience discusses the development of Ancestry's App for Android, explaining how users of devices with Android operating systems can get on a list for the Beta version.  I have an iPod Touch, and have been playing with the Apple OS version for awhile.  I definitely like it.
    • This image has been making the rounds on the internet

    The Planetary Society weighs the implications of whether there is anybody who isn't 15-years-gone who could have been used in place of the guy on the left. (I knew who he was, but mostly because the background helped. I've heard of her, but have never watched her show, or seen her picture anywhere else. I declare myself not-to-blame.)
    • Thomas MacEntee at Geneabloggers is taking a rare vacation, so I will attempt to put together a list of those who participate in the Amanuensis Monday project.  I'll include it in next weekend's "Week in Review" like I did before Geneabloggers started tracking the daily blogging prompts.
    Happy New Year! (The year 5772 began last night at sundown on the Hebrew calendar.)

    Other Weekly Link Lists
    Many of those who usually appear below post on Friday.  However, Randy usually does an excellent job of listing other lists.

    Monday, September 26, 2011

    Amanuensis Monday: Verba Fulkerson's 83rd Birthday

    Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

    I continue my project to transcribe family letters, journals, newspaper articles, audiotapes, and other historical artifacts. Not only do the documents contain genealogical information, the words breathe life into kin - some I never met - others I see a time in their life before I knew them.

    I began this project back in February of 2009, and since then, many others have joined in on the meme.  Why do we transcribe? I provide my three reasons in the linked post. You may find others. If you participate, feel free to leave a link to your post in the comments.


    This week, in a first, I transcribe a document relating to the ancestry of my fiancée. This is a newspaper article from The Sikeston Herald noting the 83rd birthday of her 2nd great grandmother, Verba Blackman Fulkerson (1857-1947). [The article was found at NewspaperArchive.]

    Sunday, September 25, 2011

    Week In Review

    Below are some highlights from news stories and blog posts I have read in the past week that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.
    Technology and Social Networks
    • Melissa Mannon at ArchivesInfo discusses The Value and Pitfall of Tagging Tweets.  Her discussion of the confusion that can be generated due to lack of uniformity in hashtags reminded me of a local controversy when several St. Louisan Twitter users got upset because some Twitter users in Lebanon were using #stl to refer to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.  Today, both uses co-exist, and there is international tolerance. 
    Other Weekly Link Lists

    Monday, September 19, 2011

    TLAPD and Genealogy

    Repost of a 2007 post with some additions

    1) Were any of my ancestors pirates?
    2) Did any of my ancestors own parrots?
    3) Did any of my ancestors like to drink rum?
    4) Do I have any distant cousins who have played baseball in Pittsburgh?

    Realizing I am unable to say 'yes' in certainty to any of these questions, I am a little glum on Talk Like a Pirate Day.

    I know I have lime-burners, mule drivers, and tailors represented. If OneWorldTree is correct, I also have a 1930s bootlegger/massmurderer nicknamed "The Alligator Man" as a distant cousin. He may come the closest. OWT also claims that John Ledyard, who sailed with Captain Cook, is a cousin. Though, while they sailed off the Barbary Coast, and Cook rhymes with Hook, like so many in my family tree, they fought for the 'other side.'

    Here it is 2011, and I can say yes to one of the four questions at the top of this post, sort of.  #4.

    Jonathan Van Every is almost definitely a cousin.  I haven't traced his ancestry back with certainty to make the necessary connection.  His Major League appearances have been with the Red Sox organization, but he has spent time as a Pirate.  (Though not in Pittsburgh.)  He now plays for the St. Paul Saints which is a professional team in the American Association, which is not affiliated with Major League Baseball. He has been named Defensive Player of the Year, so maybe he has a chance to return to the majors.

    Jewish Pirates: Ahoy Vey!

    Repost from 2009 with slight changes

    Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. The Jewish New Year is also approaching at the end of the month.

    What would be an appropriate topic, albeit perhaps a little afield from the subject of genealogy, for a blog post combining the two?

    How about Jean Lafitte, the possibly Jewish Pirate?

    [image - late 19th century artist's conception. [source]

    The facts of his origins, and those of his demise as well, depend upon whether you believe the "Journal of Jean Lafitte" is a forgery or not. Discovered in the possession of a claimed descendant.

    "My grandmother was a Spanish-Israelite. ... Grandmother told me repeatedly of the trials and tribulations her ancestors had endured at the time of the Spanish Inquisition. ... Grandmother's teachings ... inspired in me a hatred of the Spanish Crown and all the persecutions for which it was responsible -- not only against Jews." [source]

    According to one account, Jean Lafitte was killed upon the General Santander, an armed private vessel in the service of Columbia, on Feb. 5, 1823, at the age of 41. In the Gulf of Honduras, the General Santander encountered two Spanish privateers or warships, and was mortally wounded in a brief battle with the vessels and buried at sea ...

    According to Lafitte's Journal ( which many believe to be a hoax, claimed to have been found by a great grand son of Lafitte) written by Lafitte himself in 1851, he took the name John Lafflin and died in St. Louis in his 70s. [source]
    As a St. Louisan, this last definitely interests me. Though I have been unable to determine where John Lafflin (whether or not in reality Jean Lafitte) is supposed to be buried. Mysteries tend to surround pirates, don't they?

    However, while the origins of Jean Lafitte are controversial, in Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean, author Edward Kritzler makes the claim for several others. Some of the earlier ones are said to have gone into the piracy business as revenge against the inquisition.

    One such pirate was Moses Cohen Henriques, who helped plan one of history's largest heists against Spain. In 1628, Henriques set sail with Dutch West India Co. Admiral Piet Hein, whose own hatred of Spain was fueled by four years spent as a galley slave aboard a Spanish ship. Henriques and Hein boarded Spanish ships off Cuba and seized shipments of New World gold and silver worth in today's dollars about the same as Disney's total box office for "Dead Man's Chest." [source]
    Of course, pirates tend to break a few commandments in their daily routine. Ends rarely justify the means, and revenge isn't generally considered a morally appropriate explanation for deeds. One wonders if the above Jewish pirates recited the Al Chet (confession of sins) yearly on Yom Kippur.

    You can read more about Jewish pirates in Jamaica and elsewhere in the Caribbean at Tracing the Tribe.

    Amanuensis Monday: Application for the Moolah Shrine Temple - 1927

    Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

    I continue my project to transcribe family letters, journals, newspaper articles, audiotapes, and other historical artifacts. Not only do the documents contain genealogical information, the words breathe life into kin - some I never met - others I see a time in their life before I knew them.

    I began this project back in February of 2009, and since then, many others have joined in on the meme.  Why do we transcribe?  I provide my three reasons in the linked post.  You may find others.  If you participate, feel free to leave a link to your post in the comments.


    This week, I transcribe the application my great grandfather, Herman Max Feinstein, submitted to the Moolah Shrine Temple for admittance.

    Sunday, September 18, 2011

    Week In Review

    Below are some noteworthy news stories and blog posts I have read in the past week that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.
    •  GenealogyBlog discusses September 11, 1857 and the Utah Mountain Meadows Massacre. "For many Church members, the Mountain Meadows Massacre is especially poignant since some of its participants, along with so many of the early Utah Mormons, had suffered similar pains and loss at the hands of mobs and militia not very many years before." If anyone wonders what those 'similar pains' were - I suspect it's at least a partial reference to the Missouri-Morman War of the 1830s which you can read more about at Missouri Digital Heritage.
    •  GenealogyBank announced that they added 134 million newspaper articles this month, and its newspaper collection now contains over 1 billion records. (And this doesn't include their great collection of obituaries.)
    • Back issues of Ancestry Magazine (1994-2010) can be found on Google Books. (hat/tip: GenBlog) [Note: Prior to 1994, the magazine was called Ancestry Newsletter, and these issues don't appear available.]
    Copyright and the Law
    In the News
    Social Networking
    • I am personally drooling over the SanDisk Memory Vault discussed at PetaPixel. That is, if the claim is true that the backup drive really does have a 'proven ability' to "preserve data uncorrupted" for 100 years.  Of course, knowing how difficult it is to find a computer today with a 5.25 floppy drive, preserving the data isn't everything.

    Other Weekly Link Lists

      Friday, September 16, 2011

      Meme: The Tech-Savvy Genealogist

      Geniaus created The Tech-Savvy Genealogist Meme.

      She came up with 50 items.  I expanded the list to 80, and also reworded two of her entries. (I added "Google Video Chat" to #4 and made #40 more generic)  My additions were intermingled so the numbering has changed, though I have put an (*) by each of my additions.

      The list should be annotated in the following manner:
      Things you have already done or found: bold face type
      Things you would like to do or find: italicize (colour optional)
      Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type

      Feel free to add extra comments in brackets after each item

      Which of these apply to you?
      1. Own an Android or Windows tablet or an iPad  [waiting for the Kindle Android-based Tablet to be released soon...]
      2. Use a tablet or iPad for genealogy related purposes
      *3. Use a Kindle, Nook, or other e-reader for genealogy related purposes
      4. Have used Skype or Google Video Chat to for genealogy purposes
      5. Have used a camera to capture images in a library/archives/ancestor's home
      6. Use a genealogy software program on your computer to manage your family tree
      *7. Use multiple genealogy software programs because they each have different functionalities.
      8. Have a Twitter account
      9. Tweet daily
      10. Have a genealogy blog
      11. Have more than one genealogy blog
      12. Have lectured/presented to a genealogy group on a technology topic
      13. Currently an active member of Genealogy Wise  (Still have an account. Stopped using the site when it got taken over by spam. Should I return?)
      14. Have a Facebook Account
      15. Have connected with genealogists via Facebook
      16. Maintain a genealogy related Facebook Page
      17. Maintain a blog or website for a genealogy society
      18. Have submitted text corrections online to Ancestry, Trove or a similar site
      *19. Have added content to a Person Page on Fold3 (formerly Footnote)
      20. Have registered a domain name
      21. Post regularly to Google+
      *22. Have participated in a genealogy-related Google+ hangout
      23. Have a blog listed on Geneabloggers
      *24. Have a blog listed on Cyndi's List
      25. Have transcribed/indexed records for FamilySearch or a similar project
      *26. Have converted a family audiotape to digital
      *27. Have converted a family videotape to digital
      *28. Have converted family movies pre-dating videotape to digital.
      29. Own a Flip-Pal or hand-held scanner
      30. Can code a webpage in .html
      *31. Can code a webpage in .html using Notepad (or any other text-only software)
      *32. Can write scripts for your webpage in at least one programming language
      *33. Can write scripts for your webpage in multiple programming languages
      34. Own a smartphone
      35. Have a personal subscription to one or more paid genealogy databases
      *36. Have a local library card that offers you home access to online databases, and you use that access.
      37. Use a digital voice recorder to record genealogy lectures
      38. Have contributed to a genealogy blog carnival
      *39. Have hosted a genealogy blog carnival
      40. Use an Internet Browser that didn’t come installed on your computer
      41. Have participated in a genealogy webinar
      42. Have taken a DNA test for genealogy purposes
      43. Have a personal genealogy website
      44. Have found mention of an ancestor in an online newspaper archive
      45. Have tweeted during a genealogy lecture
      *46. Have tweeted during a family reunion
      47. Have scanned your hardcopy genealogy files
      48. Use an RSS Reader to follow genealogy news and blogs
      49. Have uploaded a gedcom file to a site like Geni, MyHeritage or Ancestry
      50. Own a netbook
      51. Use a computer/tablet/smartphone to take genealogy lecture notes
      52. Have a profile on LinkedIn that mentions your genealogy habit
      53. Have developed a genealogy software program, app or widget
      54. Have listened to a genealogy podcast online
      55. Have downloaded genealogy podcasts for later listening
      56. Backup your files to a portable hard drive
      57. Have a copy of your genealogy files stored offsite
      58. Know about RootsTech
      59. Have listened to a BlogTalk radio session about genealogy
      60. Use Dropbox, SugarSync or other service to save documents in the cloud
      61. Schedule regular email backups
      62. Have contributed to the FamilySearch Wiki
      63. Have scanned and tagged your genealogy photographs
      64. Have published a genealogy book in an online/digital format
      *65. Brought a USB device to a microfilm repository so you could download instead of print.
      *66. Have a wearable USB device containing important files. (Watch, keychain necklace, etc)
      *67. Created a map on Google Maps plotting ancestral homes or businesses.
      *68. Recorded the GPS coordinates for a tombstone, or ancestral home
      *69. Edited the Wikipedia entry for an ancestor, or their kin
      *70. Created an entry at FindAGrave for a person
      *71. Created an entry at FindAGrave for a cemetery
      *72. Uploaded the MediaWiki software (or TikiWiki, or PhpWiki) to your family website.
      *73. Have downloaded a video (for genealogical purposes) from YouTube or other streaming video site using, or in some other fashion
      *74. Have transferred a video from a DVR to your computer for genealogical purposes
      *75. Have participated in a ScanFest
      *76. Have started a Genealogy-related meme at least one other geneablogger participated in.
      *77. Have started a Genealogy-related weekly blogging theme other geneabloggers participated in.
      *78. Have used Photoshop (or other editing software) to ‘clean up’ an old family photo
      *79. Done digital scrapbooking
      *80. Printed out a satellite photo from Google Maps of a cemetery, and marked where a tombstone was located on it.

      Monday, September 12, 2011

      Amanuensis Monday: Reassignment, The Italian Navy, and The World Series

      Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

      I continue my project to transcribe family letters, journals, newspaper articles, audiotapes, and other historical artifacts. Not only do the documents contain genealogical information, the words breathe life into kin - some I never met - others I see a time in their life before I knew them.

      I began this project back in February of 2009, and since then, many others have joined in on the meme.  Why do we transcribe?  I provide my three reasons in the linked post.  You may find others.  If you participate, feel free to leave a link to your post in the comments.


      This week, I transcribe a letter my grandfather, Martin Deutsch (1907-1991) wrote to my grandmother, Myrtle Van Every Deutsch (1900-1951) on September 12, 1943, while he was stationed overseas.

      Sunday, September 11, 2011

      Week In Review

      Below are some noteworthy news stories and blog posts I have read in the past week that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.
      • Michael Stern Hart, inventor of electronic books, and the founder of Project Gutenberg, passed away on Sept 6.
      Ten Years Later

      Tears don't flow the same in space.  International Space Station astronaut, Frank Culbertson, shares his 9/11 story.

       (9/11/01 - taken from International Space Station - photograph source: NASA)

      Other Weekly Link Lists
      Several individuals who usually have posts listed below took a vacation this week.  It might have something to do with the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference in Springfield, IL.

      Tuesday, September 6, 2011

      Civilian Occupation Codes II - NARA Discovered their Error in 2005

      Last week I discovered that NARA and Ancestry had changed the Civilian Occupations on all of their World War II Army Enlistment Records.  These records are transcriptions derived from microfilmed punch cards - so they were prone to human error from the start. However, it was apparent that the list of occupation codes that was originally used to interpret the cards was wrong.  I found a copy of the original list, and the current list.

      What I didn't know was when the discovery was made.

      The below release from NARA is dated in December of 2005.
      The records I retrieved from with the wrong occupations  - I retrieved from May to October, 2007.
      I still don't know when Ancestry's records were updated.

      The following comes from the "Reference Copy of Technical Documentation for Accessioned Electronic Records." (PDF available from

      Supplemental User Note 5

      Army Serial Number Electronic File, ca. 1938 -1946: Merged Processed File NN3-064-03-008
      Civilian Occupation Codes

      Following numerous user complaints that the Civilian Occupation Code interpretations did not match what was known from other sources, an investigation was conducted into the sources of the code books and keypunch operator manuals used when punching the Enlistment card's Civilian Occupation Code field.

      There were several code books and operator's manuals in use during Wodd War II for coding civilian occupations, depending upon which War Department form or IBM punch card was being punched. Two codebooks were discovered in the records of the Textual Records Division, Modem Military Records (NWCTM) and Modem Civilian Records (NWCTC): Civilian Occupational Classification of Enlisted Personnel (TM 12-426) (War Department 1 July 1944) and Army Regulations No. 615-26 (AR 615-26) (War Department September 15, 1942). These employed two civilian occupation coding systems, the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and the US Army's Specification Serial Number. The latter was considered by Army to be a better way to match soldiers' civilian occupations with their military occupation specialties (MOS). Both were used when keypunching W.D., A.G.O. Form No. 20, the Soldier's Qualification Card. Both coding systems were mistakenly used together when assigning interpretations to the Civilian Occupation Codes found in the Army Serial Number Electronic File, ca. 1938 -1946: Merged Processed File. When used together, the two coding systems frequently assigned two different interpretations to the same code, resulting in user confusion.

      Civilian occupation information was furnished by the enlistee or inductee during their interview at the Recruit Reception Center. Based upon the individual's statements, the interviewer wrote down an Occupation Code that was looked up in was looked up in Code No. 30, Civilian Occupation, in Technical Manual 12-310 (15 January 1944). Code 30 was supplemented by Code 30A, Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT). This code written in a box on the individual's Enlistment Record (W.D.A.G.O. Form 22) or the Report of Physical Examination and Induction (Armed Forces' Original D.S.S. Form 221). Though no complete version of Code 30A was found during our investigation of the coding errors, three pages were found in a draft version of Technical Manual (TM) 12-310 that was circulated on July 7, 1942. Later (1945) WD AGO Form 372 keypunch operators were instructed by the Machine Records Operation Technical Manual (TM 12-305), 1 November 1945, that ''the first three digits ofthe codes in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles will be used."

      Upon discovery that Civilian Occupational Classification of Enlisted Personnel (TM 12-426) (War Department 1 July 1944) and Army Regulations No. 615-26 (AR 615-26) (War Department September 15, 1942) were intended for use with the Soldier's Qualification Card, these folders were removed from the documentation. They were replaced by copies of portions the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Part I of III, Definitions of Titles, Prepared by the Job Analysis and Information Section Division of Standards and Research (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1939, 1943 and 1945).

      Accession No: NN3-064-03-008
      Prepared by Lee A. Gladwin, Archivist
      Date: December 28, 2005

      Monday, September 5, 2011

      Amanuensis Takes a Holiday

      Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

      As I did in 2009 and 2010, in honor of Labor Day, I am taking a holiday from my project to transcribe family letters, journals, newspaper articles, audiotapes, and other historical artifacts.

      I began this project back in February of 2009, and since then, many others have joined in on the meme.  Why do we transcribe?  I provide my three reasons in the linked post.  You may find others.  If you participate, feel free to leave a link to your post in the comments.

      Sunday, September 4, 2011

      Week In Review

      Below are some noteworthy news stories and blog posts I have read in the past week that deal with my overlapping interests in Genealogy, History, Heritage, and Technology.
      Religion and Genealogy
      • Philip Trauring at Blood and Frogs notes that JewishGen has changed the name of two of their site features, replacing the word Shtetl. But, more important than the name change, is the reminder that these features exist.  The ShtetlSeeker/Gazeteer and the ShtetlLinks/KehlilaLinks.  
      A Protest Song

      Other Weekly Link Lists

        Saturday, September 3, 2011

        Happy Labo(u)r Day Weekend

        In Canada and the U.S., Labo(u)r Day is Monday, Sept 5th.  For all celebrating:

        Happy Labo(u)r Day!

        Evan Greer - Never Walk Across a Picket Line

        Pete Seeger and Arlo Guthrie - Union Maid

        Pete Seeger - Solidarity Forever

        Billy Bragg - There is Power in a Union

        Dropkick Murphys - Worker's Song