Best Picture - Best old family photo that appeared on your blog in 2008. Tell us which you liked best and why.
Best Screen Play - Which family story that you shared in 2008 would make the best movie? Who would you cast as your family members?
Best Documentary - Which was the best informational article you wrote about a place, thing, or event involving your family's history in 2008?
Best Biography - Which was the best biographical article you wrote in 2008?
Best Comedy - Which was the best funny story, poem, joke, photo, or video that you shared on your blog in 2008?
Best Picture
The winner is:
The Van Every Apiary - a photograph of what may be my great grandfather, Melvin Van Every's bee colonies, and possibly my grandmother, Myrtle, standing on a hopefully empty box.
Best Screenplay
The winner is:
A combination of two posts on my great uncle Samuel Van Every
With Apologies to Uncle Sam and Uncle Sam and Uncle Sam
To make a good movie a family story must have conflict, and a little bit of mystery doesn't hurt. The details of my Uncle Samuel Van Every's life - his possibly multiple wives, his problems with alcohol, the death of his son in a tragic accident, as told in his FBI file and various other documents could do just that.
Who do I cast in the leading role? I'd probably want to go with someone who might bear a resemblance. Unfortunately, while I may have some photographs of my grandmother with her brother, none of them are labeled as such. Maybe I could choose one of my actor cousins with a Stoughton descent.
Uncle Sam was born in Texas, and was a wanderer. The word 'ranger' comes to mind instantly. So how about Viggo Mortensen, Jr? He and I are likely 10th cousins, so Uncle Sam would have been 8th cousins with Viggo's grandfather.

Best Documentary
The winner is:
Another combination of two posts
St. Louis City 1908 and and Returning to St. Louis City 1908
In these two posts I look at a study the Civic League of St. Louis conducted in 1908 on a neighborhood in which all of my paternal great grandparents lived at one time.
Best Biography
The winner is:
Myrtle Ethel Van Every Deutsch - 1900-1951
A year-by-year chronology of the events in my maternal grandmother's life.
Best Comedy
The winner is:
A tie between two poems.
Our Mother was the Pussy-Cat - The less-known unfinished sequel Edward Lear wrote to his classic children's poem
and Ode to a Microspatula - a poem I wrote.
Best Special FX
This is a category I had to create for myself. Best usage of graphics, or other effects, in a post.
The winner is:
Face Recognition, and the follow-up post What Does this Mean? where I spent a lot of time playing with MyHeritage's Look-alike Meter
Last year's awards
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