Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Naturalizations Ordered

Following the guidance at Blood and Frogs, I have been ordering several batches of Naturalization Records from the National Archives (NARA) recently.   The cost is inexpensive at $7.50, and they don't charge for the research, so you only pay if they find something.

Newmark Family
Samuel Newmark (Declaration of Intent only....probably didn't complete citizenship process)
Barnet Newmark (Declaration of Intent, Petition, Certificate of Arrival)

There are a few others I could order.  Barney's brothers Sol, Max and Israel David all went through the citizenship process. I have all three of their Declarations of Intent from the local library's microfilm. However, there are no current mysteries that their petitions are likely to solve.

Dudelsack/Feinstein Family
Selig Dudelsack (changed name to Feinstein) - (NARA unable to locate records, though he is listed as Naturalized in census.)
Julius Dudelsack (changed name to Odelson) - (NARA unable to locate records, though he is listed as Naturalized in census.) -
Aaron Oberman (husband of Toba Dudelsack, sister of Selig and Julius) - (NARA unable to locate records, though Toba is listed as Naturalized in the 1920 census)

This is frustrating.  This is the only paternal branch of mine that I don't know the European city of origin. Selig's brother-in-law, Jacob Perlik, has Szdobirtzen, Russia  and Szdobeitzen, Poland on his petition and certificate respectively -- though no city with those names can be found.  The closest phonetic match I can find is Dobrzyn, though this is a guess.

Cruvant Family
Morris (Moshe Leyb) Cruvant

I was informed by NARA that the naturalization didn't occur in a Federal Court, and was told the records could be retrieved from the Missouri State Archives.  They provided court, volume number, page number, and date.  (I knew about the Missouri State Archives records, but was curious if NARA had anything additional.)  I wasn't charged for this information.

Blatt Family
Morris Blatt

As with Morris Cruvant, NARA informed me they had no records, as this wasn't a Federal naturalization, and provided me with the information necessary to retrieve the records from the Missouri State Archives.

Deutsch Family
Solomon Deutsch - Search Pending

This also isn't a Federal Naturalization, and I have requested the documents from the Cook County Illinois court.

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