- The footnoteMaven complains about offensive images on FlipBoard and gets a swift response, but the situation isn't solved.
- Kimberly Powell at About.com Genealogy discusses Geotagging Photos From your Camera
- Butch Lazorchak at Library of Congress' Digital Preservation discusses 1000 Years (Give or Take a Few) of Digital Mapping
The big news this week
- Google+ - currently in beta 'invite-only' release. [I would be interested in an invite if someone out there has one to give...]
- MySpace is sold at a huge loss
- Facebook will "announce something awesome" this week
- Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings asks What will the Google+ Project mean for Genealogy
- Roy Tenant at Library Journal asks What is to be Learned from the Ashes of MySpace
- Joe Wilcox at BetaNews asks Is Google+ social done right?
- Levi Sumagaysay at Good Morning Silicon Valley writes Rounding up the pluses and minuses of Google+ so far
- Author John Scalzi is asked
"Whether at this point it’s still worth it as a writer to own one’s own domain, i.e., in the age of everyone being on Facebook, setting up one’s online shingle elsewhere is like opening a business on a dusty street a mile away from Main Street."
His response is timely, and appropriate for any professional hanging out their shingle, including genealogists.Cartoonist, Randall Munroe, adds some visual commentary (click image to go to original site):

Press Releases:
- Ancestry Releases the Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications (FREE access through July 4) [Dick Eastman, EOGN]
- 1940 Census Searching Tools Announced [Randy Seaver, Genea-Musings]
- Ancestry.ca Adds London, England, Wills and Probate, 1525-1858 (FREE access through July 8 - to England & Wales National Probate Calendar) [Olive Tree Genealogy]
- Randy Seaver's Best of the Genea-Blogs at Genea-Musings
- Greta Koehl's Follow Friday at Greta's Genealogy Bog
- Jen's Follow Friday at Climbing My Family Tree
- Lynn Palermo's Monday Morning Mentions at The Armchair Genealogist
- Liz Haigney Lynch's Links at The Ancestral Archaeologist
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