If anyone deserves their own holiday, it's dogs. So let's celebrate our best friends and recognize their contribution to the quality of life on earth. All we have to do is give our own dogs a little extra love, share our stories and pictures with friends, and do a little something extra to make the world a better place for dogs.I posted back in June several photographs of dogs I have known over the years. Here are a couple I never knew.

Choo-Choo was the best friend of my great grandmother, Helen (Lichtman) Deutsch. Here they are at their address on Mozart Street in Chicago, IL.

This is a photograph of my great grandparents Barney and Bertha (Cruvant) Newmark, with their sons Melvin, Harold and Mandell. Mandell appears to be holding a dog, unfortunately, no one knows his/her name.
Here are 101 ways to celebrate Dogs Rule Day
Here are ten of them:
2 Give an extra minute of bellyrubs in the morning.
3 Play fetch 'til your arm falls off.
11 Give her the other half of your sandwich. Just this once.
15 Hire a bus. Allow her to catch it.
17 Bark with her at the postman.
28 Donate some blankets to your local shelter.
36 Sing him a song. Maybe wear a costume.
38 Post flyers for the local dog shelter.
45 Get a tattoo of him.
58 Start or support a local spay/neuter program.
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