You didn’t bring me anything I asked for last year. Not my great grandfather’s military uniform, not a bagpipe constructed or played by my Dudelsack ancestors, not my grandfather’s copy of Les Miserables, and none of the photographs I specified.
I thought I was a good boy, Santa. I remember sitting on your lap as a child and sharing my long lists with you. You always brought me at least one of those items.
Were you responsible for some of the things I did discover this year? If so, thanks!
What do I want this year? Well, I still want everything I asked for last year, but if that’s not possible here are a few more items:
1) There’s a lot of information I want to know. A lot of mysteries to solve. A lot of brick walls to break down. I was told last year to stick to material things, as opposed to clues to my family history. I wasn’t given that restriction this year. So if you could help me in just one of my quests, that would be much appreciated!
2) Now I've discovered photographs of my Newmark ancestors from when they were in London, I want more of them. So far I have my great grandfather Barney, and his sister Nellie. There were six other siblings, and two parents. I have photographs of the parents thirty years later, but I'd love to see them a bit younger. Maybe some photographs that were taken in 1902 at the wedding of Barney's brother, Sol?
3) The Van Every family bible. According to a letter my great grandfather, Melvin Van Every, wrote my grandmother, Myrtle, it was lost in 1925 during a move.
4) Finally, the computer I have is great, and the information on the internet is wonderful, but I want a computer system like Batman has. I think it might help me in my research. Thanks!
[Poster created by footnoteMaven]
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