Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: SS Rhein / USS Susquehanna

(position cursor over images for descriptive words - if desired.)
[information source] [image source]


Red Lotus Mama said...

Those are amazing!

Happy WW! Check out some photos of my favorite place in London ... Trafalgar Square:

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Awesome ancient photos. I wonder if it's still on the water and in use today Happy WW

IrinaBohemianDance said...

Very nice these old photos...Happy WW!


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the US was allowed to overhaul a seized boat...even if it was during war.

Estrella Azul said...

Wow! Amazing :)
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

If you stop by to check out my WW, please scroll down to the 2nd post (after reading the 1st one of course)!!

Have a great week!

Wishing 4 One said...

I love vintage photos and what a beautiful history you have to accompany these.